20 November 2007

This Break

This has been quite clearly the most busy and stressful and demanding semester of my life.

I am ecstatic about this five day break from it all, even though I will spend a good chunk of that time revising my history paper, catching up on readings, and putting together my portfolio for my Islamic art class. I also want to be able to catch up with friends a bit, but maybe some 'me time' [and by me I mean JESUS and me] would be more beneficial. The busyness of the past two months has completely drained me spiritually; time for reading God's Word and praying has been snatched out of my sight; and on the way home listening to songs that cry out to Him I could feel wholeness begin to emerge once more. Perhaps I'll spend tomorrow hidden away in my room regaining my ability to worship the Lord.

It's tricky, having to spend soooo much time in the ceramics studio. I do enjoy doing ceramics, but more than 5 hours in the same room can be mind-numbing. I miss being able to play outside all the time like I did in the summer.

The school lifestyle really drags me down physically, too. I get no physical exercise, I become malnourished consuming crappy cafeteria food [since I have no time to go grocery shopping or cook for myself, hah] so spiritually, mentally, physically, I am pretty much in a state of decay.

I know it sounds like I am complaining, but I just want to reiterate my situation before saying again how wonderful this break will be for me. I am so sick of this hardened heart that has developed within me. I'm looking forward to being able to care, to love, and to worship again.