19 September 2012


Our state has been secretly taxing us.  On...


How sinister!

07 September 2012

defining Christianity

These days, I am hesitant to label myself as a "Christian."

A weighty reason that I am is the Republican party's use of the name of God to attract "moral voters."  Voting for wealthy, white men in business suits has nothing to do with emulating Jesus Christ.

Another reason is the damage the Church has caused over centuries of history.  Many people (at least in America) hate or disagree with Christians because they've been hurt by them.  All Christians are hypocrites.

Unfortunately, there are so many Christians who will not admit their own hypocrisy.  From small issues, like not forgiving quickly enough or vying to win theological arguments; to massive ones, like picketing hatefully in the name of God.  I don't think God could ever agree with those who hate.

Personal disclaimer:  I AM A HYPOCRITE.  I am messed-up; I am bitter; I am selfish.

These days, I prefer to call myself a Christ-follower.  A follower of Jesus.  That's the original denotation of the word Christian.

Chris·tian  [kris-chuhn] 
1.  (adj.) of, pertaining to, or derived from Jesus Christ  or His teachings: a Christian faith.
7.  (noun) a person who believes in Jesus Christ;  adherent of Christianity
It's hard to identify oneself with a word so often used for morality or church-going or slightly-less-evil-than-most-people.

A great essay on the misuse of the word Christian can be found here.

Definition:  CHRISTIANITY is following the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and embracing Him as Lord.  (Lord:  one's master/ruler/care-taker/provider)

True Christianity has nothing to do with following rules!  It is heartbreaking that this is such a common misconception.  It is commonly perceived as such because there are too many preachers or Sunday school teachers telling their children that if they behave, God will be happy.

Following Jesus means accepting His grace.  He already KNOWS that we will break rule after rule, every single day, and yet He still offers us love and life.  He enables us to quit living for ourselves and grasp for the truth and beauty and eternity He gives.

Look around you.  If you're inside, step out for a moment.  How massive is that maple tree?  How many birds are singing?  Can you count the blades of fragrant grass beneath your feet?  Do you have any idea how many different species of insects are living within your tiny acre of Earth?

How amazing is it that God created so much beauty?  He created it all to woo us to Him!  ...to show us that He does love us and wants us to enjoy life!  Remember the last time you coasted down a steep hill on a bike - how thrilling and breezy and breathtaking!  Swimming in the ocean is one of the best ways to feel miniscule and entirely overwhelmed by the Earth's size and the fact that there are other bathers dipping their toes in the SAME water in England, Morocco, South Africa, Brazil!

I cannot fathom a simple "big bang" throwing dust together to form this world.  It is simply too gorgeous and astounding.  It must have been done by the Creator's Hand.

Religion is defined in two places in the Bible:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." (James 1:27)

"But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God." (I Timothy 5:4)

True religion means taking care of other people.  Take care of your family; take care of the needy.  Don't become jaded by the sin (selfish behavior of every person on Earth) you see around you.

Going to church is not in the Bible's definition.

God isn't even mentioned.

Christianity is not a religion.

It is a free life of enjoying God and His people and His world.

It is following Jesus' commands when He says,

"Let your light shine before others." (Matthew 5:16)
"Go and be reconciled to (your brother or sister)." (Matthew 5:24)
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)
"Love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27)

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  (John 10:10-11)

...and so many other life-giving things.

Real Christianity is a life of redemption, reconciliation, love, mercy and grace.

It is learning from and loving Jesus Christ.

For more on Jesus and life with Him, read Waking the Dead, Crazy Love, Because He Loves Me and the Holy Bible.  Listen to Derek Webb's album She Must and Shall Go Free.

biblegateway.com is a great online resource for reading God's love letters to us.