18 May 2007

Deliver us

Who built the pyramids? The Egyptians?

They usually receive the credit, right?

Weren't their Israelite slaves the ones building everything in their empire, while the Egyptians themselves cracked their whips upon the slaves' backs?

The Prince of Egypt opens with the Hebrew's song of lament, "Deliver Us". It wrenches the heart with its cry for mercy and freedom. And we feel a righteous wrath against the oppressors. We are thankful for America's call to emancipation and that we enslave no more.

Or do we? What products are we buying that were sewn together by 8 year old children in a sweatshop? How can we keep ourselves accountable for what we buy?

The Dalit of India have been living in oppression since longer than Christianity has existed. The Hindu religion has set in place a caste system that calls them the "untouchables" - they are regarded as less than animals. Once you are born into that caste, you cannot get out of it. Dalit must beg for water at the well from others, for they are not allowed to touch and "contaminate" it.

When will slavery really end?

What can we do to prevent it from happening now? Is there a way to keep track of what brands oppress their factory workers and what brands don't? I'd hate to pay $100 for a pair of boots and know that $100 was going to some fat, rich, white, American guy than the $100 going to the small girl in Guatemala who sewed them together for me.

I just got a new pair of boots. The company's website has 3 entire mission statements about their efforts to eliminate pollution, to boost the welfare of communities, and to treat all their workers fairly. I don't know if you can look into these things for all companies [I'm sure the bad ones keep their practices very secret], but I'm asking you to look into it if you can. It's good to look out for others, even if there's no chance of you ever meeting them in this life. :-)

1 comment:

28th St. and Eternity said...

cool seeing your thoughts and cool seeing you thinking.