04 February 2014

The Charlotte Chronicles: I

The Charlotte Chronicles:  a moving story.

Once upon a time, a boy and a girl decided that they were tired of living in the land of the ice and snow.  They wanted an adventure!  And they wanted it to take place somewhere subtropical.

In the bleakest of winters - you know, that one with all the polar vortexes - they packed a truck with furniture and boxes of belongings.

At 7:00 am, they departed from Pennsylvania.  It was 2 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

They drove and drove... and drove.  The truck roared and roared.

It was a boring journey.

But the destination was worth it!  In North Carolina, they stayed with gracious friends; and the next day received moving help from several hospitable strangers.

It was 65 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

That's more like it.

We made it!
They gave us a brand new stove!
Same ol' boxes; different place.
The story continues...

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