07 October 2008

What's going on?

Things becoming more constant:
  • earning some money
  • hanging out with youth group kids
  • singing
  • drinking tea [thank you, autumn]
  • obsessively reading SCL
  • wondering why the temptation to regret decisions and re-face them again is trying to squeeze into my line of vision
  • wakening to some strange dreams. hm.
It's time to get excited about sweaters and deliciously comfortable socks. Cool, but not yet slushy cold - fall in PA is a good time.

Working in retail is actually pretty good. When your store is filled with luxury items and your shoppers are pleasant, upper-middle class ladies, people are happy customers. Pier 1 may be the opposite of the DMV. It smells great and makes me want to have a place of my own so I can collect glassware and decorate with incense burners and candlescapes.

Anyways, my rebellious self is grumbling and clunking like the old furnace in the basement of my heart. I should be so content, so joyful, so ecstatic with what God has given me, and yet when I see opportunities to even take a peek at other stuff, it's like I'm camping out in the parking lot at the paper mill, whose odor should make me puke. God's stuff is so much better than any of the crap I'm sniffing.

So He's called me to lead this small group for the girls in my church's youth group. I'm completely inadequate, unprepared, and unqualified to lead them in applicable Bible discussions. Let's see what He does with this...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't imagine anyone better to lead the small group. How's that going? I bet you'll surprise yourself.

Loved your remark about collecting glassware for your own place. Among my collections of "home stuff" is this set of four red plates from Target, and they're the sturdiest, cutest, most fabulous plates (like Fiestaware only not radioactive!), and I can't deny being super excited to graduate and finally use all of the "home stuff" I've got in the garage at Dad's office in my new place. :)

Less than a month 'til we see each other!