01 January 2009


of the points that Donald Miller makes in his book, Through Painted Deserts, is that too often our culture focuses on answering "how" questions, because they're easier and allow us to be selfish and self-sufficient. How questions seek to fulfill personal goals for personal fulfilment. "How can I get a job? How can I make more money?" Why questions actually require some thought and some selflessness. "Why am I here? Why is there pain in the world? Why does color exist?"

Don said he'd ask, "What is beauty?" and receive the answer "Here are 5 steps to a successful marriage". How questions are at surface level, prone to easy answers. Asking why makes us smaller, makes us a part of the story of creation, not the protagonist of it.

So some women's health magazine periodically sends me emails. I received one today with a list of good resolutions to make for this new year. Various general, non-compelling ideas such as to read books recommended to you by former English teachers, to wear more colors for an attempt at a (false) positive attitude, etc. One said the following:

"Stop with the why-ning.
"Why?" is a perfectly lovely question coming from a toddler, but not from you. Why am I stuck in this stupid job? Why don't I have a better boyfriend? A better question: "How?" How do I get a better job, a better guy?"

Oh how right Mr. Miller is about our culture and our simple seeking for simple answers. I resolve this year to dig deeper.

Oh, and I'm also going to start flossing.


Yvonne said...

I think the difference between the Women's magazine and Donald's "why" questions have to do more with "Why ME?" and centered around complaining rather than discovery. Interesting how the same word signifies two different things like that. Same goes for "how" though: 'How does this work,' is a different sort of question than, 'How can I make myself be better?'

But the point still remains that we like to make things superficial and all about ourselves. I don't know what sort of resolutions I have for this year, besides asking, "What path is God leading me on, and how do I get to that place?" A book that I'm reading offers up that there are goals that we can set and choices we make that ultimately move us along God's path for us and for His Kingdom. I'd like to know what those choices are and can be.

I should also start flossing. I don't know if that's going to happen.


kathryn said...

Yea, you can see the facetiousness in the women's mag questions - and could reword them as "how come this is happening to me?"

I'm glad to hear you have solid, purposeful ideas for what to resolve for yourself for the year. I think I'll resolve simply to listen to God a lot more than I have been

...in addition to the flossing. :-)