01 April 2009

April 1st

April 1st
is the best day of the year to use Gmail/Google. Those guys are great.

So now that it's April, it seems summer approaches more quickly. Currently I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself... advice, please?

Option A :: continue working at Dick Blick
+ relaxed schedule
+ teach classes at Carlisle Arts Learning Center
- Blick doesn't pay a lot (7.50/hr)
+ could earn money teaching at CALC

Option B :: work at Krislund, again
+ being outside for the summer (this is necessary)
+ not living at home
+ hanging out with kids & great people
+ help the new camp director as an alum staff member
- very low pay (0.22/hr)
- quitting Blick, or returning to work in August?

Option C :: potential employment at local state park
+ pays a freakin' lot more (12.75/hr)
+ would involve playing outside for the summer
+ could perhaps continue part time at Blick?
- 1 hour commute (2 hrs daily!)
+ continue involvement at CALC

Option D :: day camp for "at risk" jr. high kids
+ decent wages (8.50/hr) and hours (10-3)
+ fun activities (hiking trips, amusement parks...)
+ loving on kids who need it
+ could work afternoons & weekends at Blick
+ continue involvement at CALC

So that all has been on my mind lately.

Also this summer, if I'm around Camp Hill, I'll be able to continue hanging out with the youth group, which would be sweet. I am definitely going on the summer mission trip, July 18-26 - and hopefully Wallace will be coming as well! Plans may work out that I simply stick around in Maine after that and head east to Petit Manan to spend a few weeks with Greg's family on the coast. Wallace and I area also thinking about doing some sort of white-water rafting trip around here (PA, MD, VA). A summer of adventure!

This morning I made an attempt at vacuuming, but it broke, smoked and made a seriously awful smell. I turned on the bathroom and kitchen vent fans, opened windows, went upstairs for an hour - it still smelled, so I used a name-brand air spray and 2 hours later the scent still lingers lightly. Ew.

Yesterday I went shopping for my good friend Megan, whose bridal shower will take place on Saturday. The proprietor of the lingerie store was very kind and helpful; a lovely woman. Kept telling me how glad she was that I stopped in. Made me wish I had a reason to visit there more often, just to say hello.

I'm quite glad to be able to use the studio space at CALC. Last night I helped Thom with wedging some reclaimed clay and he told me all about teaching opportunities for the center. I can basically just make up a class curriculum, put together a materials list and then they'll make up advertisements for the thing. I got to see the creepy, creepy basement that extends under the entire building and has a cast-iron boiler the size of a steam engine in it, as well as some art materials. Apparently, the back room of the building had been used as a beauty school to get women off the streets in the 1970s - so they took beautician classes upstairs and lived in the basement. I can't imagine how anyone would want to live down there - I'd rather sleep on the sidewalk!!

Anyways, it's wet out, and spring is settling in, soon to dry out (I hope). Looking forward to sunny days, hiking, kayaking, and maybe some bouldering down at White Rocks. I think if I get that state park job I'd get a chance to do some paddling on their lakes. Maybe I'll look into pricing for kayaks...


Unknown said...

My main thoughts on your next steps are really radically different.

Initially, since I'm getting to that "HOLY CRAP I HAVE TO FEND FOR MYSELF AND I NEED MONEY TO DO IT" stage, I'm inclined to root for Option C. It does have all those lovely benefits of more pay, being outside, and continuing your CALC work. I see the commute as a plus despite the gas and time: It's positively "Katy Time." Focus on your own thoughts, make a mental to-do list, sing to whatever's playing, etc. (It's a little weird, but I'm glad I had to buy a digi-recorder for class three years ago; I've become wont to record in the car things I need to do later...)

The other option that pulls at me for you is Option B. This is another foot in the door to someday running that place (in addition to being outside and away from home!). I know the pay is measly, but I'm also very well aware that camp is one of your most special places in allllll the world. How wonderful to continue to share that as (you point out) a veteran on the staff. There's a lot to be said for following your heart and soul on matters such as these.

That's not to say there isn't merit to your other options, but those are the ones that grab me.

Christie (and my dad!) offered me this on my own search: You have the rest of your life to work.

kathryn said...

Thanks for your support, ma'am! You really are wonderful. :-)

I have an interview at the park on Wednesday, so I suppose whether they want me or not will factor into my decision-making. :-) The lady said on the phone that the hours involve weekends - so I'd imagine I could still work a day or two a week at Blick, plus have time to teach classes at CALC in the evenings.

And camp would be so wonderful! Although since Greg will be in the Kutztown area for the summer, we would see each other very seldom, if I did camp. But I want to help out! But they pay so little!!

I do have the rest of my life to work, but Nan/Dan seem to think that *now* is a better time for this, since apparently I need to buy myself a car. Oh, suburbian American life...

Have you started your CO job search as of yet?