16 April 2009

Two things

There are two things I wish all Americans would do. The world's cost of food has been rising because North Americans have been using corn for non-food purposes. If I could broadcast myself in the national media, I would ask folks to:

1. Stop using corn-based ethanol to fuel your cars. Sure, it may be a tiny bit more environmentally sound, but it still pollutes and it's wasting food that could be used to feed hungry kids in Africa/Asia/South America. Carpool. Ride a bike. Take a hike.

2. Eat less meat. It takes 5 months of feeding a pig 8 pounds of feed per day to get it to full size - 265 pounds. (http://www.pork4kids.com). 1200 pounds of food (say, corn) create only 265 pounds of meat (less the inedible parts of the animal). Those 1200 pounds of corn can feed a LOT more people than ~265 pounds of pork. Additionally, more energy and vitamins & nutrients are absorbed through eating corn - because the pig has already digested & used much of that energy by the time you get to eating the pork. Seriously, beans & rice will save the world. If we allow it.

Every day, I'm more and more appalled by the wasteful gluttony I see here in this country. I may just learn Spanish and move to a monastery in Peru.

On a more fun note, my friend Matthew has made a fun video to share:


Unknown said...

When I don't have to work, I take the bus to campus and walk home from class sometimes. Annnd I eat more chicken then other meats. Do either of those count?

Also, did I tell you about my reusable bags? Got one for free from Wegmans at the career fair and spent the hefty $1.99 on a Steelers one at Giant. They really help me to only buy what I can carry up to my apartment in one trip. Plus I feel like less of a skeeze by avoiding plastic bags. :)

kathryn said...

Oh Mon, you are great. Such a good example for people in the western world. :-)

I'm glad to hear of your Steelers grocery bag. Lovely!

We sell them at work, so I picked a few up for the fam to use. They're actually made of old soda bottles. Good stuff!